Men's Soccer Men's Soccer









Unidad Educativa Javier


Lake Worth, FL

Recruitment Status




High School Recruit


  • 2020 Highlights

    2020 Highlights


    Aug 15, 2023

About Me

My name is Kian Hidalgo, and I recently turned 17 years old. Soccer has been a significant part of my life since kicking my first ball when I was just 3 years old. Soccer has become an almost essential aspect of my life, dedicating countless hours to developing my skills on and off the field. I've had the opportunity of playing for various teams in three countries, each of them contributing to my growth as a player and a person. The lessons I have learned through soccer extend beyond the field. Discipline, teamwork, confidence, and leadership are qualities that I strive to embody both as an athlete and as a student. Balancing my academic commitments with strenuous training schedules has taught me the importance of time management and prioritization. It has always been my dream to continue my soccer journey during college, where I can continue to pursue my passion for the scientific and engineering field. My goal is to strike a balance between excelling on the field and in the classroom, and I am fully committed to putting in the effort to achieve both. I am grateful for the opportunity to be considered for a soccer scholarship at a college level, and I am determined to make the most of this chance to pursue my dreams and contribute to the soccer program and the campus community.


Additional Contacts

Henry Rodríguez (Spanish speaking only) ( email: [email protected], phone: +593 5012-999 (Spanish speaking only), relationship: Other): To whom it may concern,

I hereby certify that I know KIAN GABRIEL HIDALGO, during the academic period 2022-2023. I have known him for two years, both personally and academically. He has demonstrated to be an enterprising, sports-minded, disciplined, altruistic, responsible, and proactive student. He always seeks to deepen his knowledge, possesses strong interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, and is proactive in teamwork.

Therefore, I invite you to review his academic and sports records, as well as other relevant academic history, to confirm the aforementioned qualities. I wholeheartedly recommend him, fully convinced that he will meet all the requirements established by this prestigious educational institution.

Without further ado, and hoping that this recommendation is taken into account.

Henry Rodríguez
Academic Teacher - 11th Grade

Karla Illescas (Spanish speaking only) ( email: [email protected], phone: , relationship: Other): To whom it may concern:

Saint Ignatius of Loyola said: 'In all things, to love and to serve,' a phrase that becomes the essence of every Javeriano and, consequently, of their families, because once you enter Javier, you never truly leave.

Three years ago, I started working at Javier High School as a Language and Literature teacher, stepping into a different world and facing various challenges. In my second year, having adapted to the group and the dynamics of the institution, I was informed that a new student would be joining us from abroad, and Spanish was not his native language.

Kian Gabriel Hidalgo McIntire is the kind of well-rounded student that schools aims to foster and that many institutions consider an ideal graduate, as he excels not only academically but also in politics and sports. Thus, these lines go beyond a mere recommendation for Kian, as any university would gain a valuable, competitive, brilliant, and warm-hearted individual. He has demonstrated this in his mastery of Spanish in less time than it takes to complete a university degree, in his outstanding academic and athletic achievements, and in his excellent participation in the student government, generating and promoting the proposals of the winning party.

Undoubtedly, Kian is one of those students who will always be remembered for his numerous skills and qualities, but above all, for his nobility. Fair winds and smooth sailing to him.

Karla Illescas
Teacher of Language and Literature - BGU

Victor Salavarría (Spanish speaking only) ( email: [email protected], phone: +593 95 879 4695, relationship: Coach): To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to enthusiastically recommend Kian Hidalgo for a spot on your college soccer team. Having had the privilege of coaching Kian for two years, I can confidently attest to his exceptional skills, dedicaIon, and sportsmanship both on and off the field.

On the field, Kian displays a remarkable combinaIon of technical prowess, strategic thinking, and sheer determinaIon. He consistently exhibits an innate understanding of the game, making split-second decisions that reflect his deep knowledge of soccer tacIcs and dynamics. Kian is not only a strong individual player but also a true team player. He communicates effecIvely, leads by example, and moIvates his teammates to give their best. His ability to adapt to different game scenarios and inspire his fellow players is truly commendable.

During practices, Kian arrives early, and consistently puts in the extra effort to hone his skills. Kian embraces challenges and constructive criticism with a positive attitude, showing an unwavering commitment to improvement. His work ethic and determinaIon serve as an inspiraIon to those around him.
Off the field, Kian upholds the highest standards of sportsmanship and character. He demonstrates respect for coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials alike. Kian is a natural leader who fosters a posiIve and inclusive team environment, ensuring that everyone feels valued and moIvated. His dedicaIon to maintaining a balance between academics and athleIcs is truly commendable.

In summary, I have no doubt that Kian would be a valuable asset to your college soccer program. His skills, leadership qualiIes, and excepIonal character make him an ideal candidate. I am confident that he will conInue to excel both on and off the field, bringing immense pride to your insItuIon.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you require any further informaIon or clarificaIon. Thank you for considering Kian for a place on your esteemed soccer team.

Victor Salavarría
Director of Coaching

Jermey Gonzalez (Spanish speaking only) ( email: , phone: +593 98 055 6700, relationship: Coach): To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Jeremy Gonzalez. I was a coach for Kian Hidalgo during his time playing for Barcelona Sporting Club. It's a pleasure for me to provide you with a recommendation about an excellent player who always demonstrated his hard work and skills. He consistently showed great willingness, discipline, and correctness when playing, as well as being very organized on and off the field. In terms of football, he always fulfilled everything I, as a coach, asked and expected from him. He's a player with great technical skills and a lot of intelligence on the field, as well as very composed when handling the ball. I hope you can enjoy his tactical skills and prowess.

Best regards,
Jeremy Gonzalez



Unidad Educativa Javier

High School










Additional Stats

In addition to my involvement in soccer at the club level, I actively participate in my high school soccer team, and I am also engaged in volleyball activities within my school.

Athletic Honors

Student of Excellence - 2021

Medal of Honor - 2022

Ecuadorian Flag Barer - 2022

Student Council Secretary - 2023

Guayaquil Flag Bearer - 2023

Medal of Honor - 2023

Chemistry Award - 2022

Volunteer Caregiver - 2021


Academic Status









Test Scores

SAT SCORE (Math + Reading)



  • Lifting Ecuadorian Flag

    Lifting Ecuadorian Flag

  • New years with siblings

    New years with siblings

  • School team

    School team

  • Scrimmage with U18 (LJCF)

    Scrimmage with U18 (LJCF)

  • Chemistry competition

    Chemistry competition

  • Tournament win (BSC)

    Tournament win (BSC)

  • Tournament win (LJCF)

    Tournament win (LJCF)

  • Tournament win with U18 (LJCF)

    Tournament win with U18 (LJCF)

  • Tournament win with U17 (LJCF)

    Tournament win with U17 (LJCF)

  • Tournament win (LJCF)

    Tournament win (LJCF)

  • Medal of Honor

    Medal of Honor